3 Important Tools of Financial Statement Analysis – Definition, Types, Objectives and Limitations with example

Last updated on April 11th, 2024 at 01:12 am

In this blog post, we will discuss Financial statements. To be more precise, we will learn about the Tools of Financial Statement Analysis.

For every business, organization, and stakeholder, it is essential to be aware of the business’s financial position. For that, the business’s financial statement is the way to go.

A company’s financial statement reflects its financial position and its operations and management effectiveness. It helps forecast the company’s share price after evaluating its intrinsic value.

That’s where these 3 Tools of Financial Statement Analysis come in. These tools help the stakeholders to understand the financial condition of the company. But before we jump onto the Tools of Financial Statement Analysis, let’s look at financial statements and their objectives.

What Are Financial Statements?

Financial statements are a medium through which the accounting system provides summarized data about the financial position of the business. There are 3 components of financial statements – The income statement, the Balance sheet, and the cash flow statement.

The Income Statement 

The income statement informs about all the revenue generated, expenses, losses, and company gains during a specific accounting period. The income statement is also called The Profit & Loss statement. It provides details about the company’s operational efficiency, the quality of management, and underperforming sectors.

The Balance Sheet 

The balance sheet details the company’s shareholder’s equity, assets, and liabilities during the specific accounting period. It gives the user an idea about what the company owns and owes.

The Cash Flow Statement 

The cash flow statement summarizes the movement of cash and cash equivalents. The main cash activities are from the area of operations, investments, and finance. It helps to understand how well the company manages its cash.

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What is Financial Statement Analysis?

Financial Statement Analysis is the process of analyzing a company’s financial statement. Financial Statement Analysis is performed so that the stakeholders of the company are aware of the performance of the company.

It also details how the company’s share prices are expected to fluctuate. The fluctuation of shares Depends on the intrinsic value of the company. Market forces ensure that the share price is always close to the intrinsic value. These changes occur because the intrinsic value is the company’s real value.

The shares are expected to fall if the intrinsic value is lower than the current price. If the intrinsic value is higher than the current share price, the share price is expected to go up.

In other words, if the intrinsic value is low, time to sell the shares. And if the intrinsic value is higher, it’s time to buy the shares.

Objectives of Tools of Financial Statement Analysis

  1. The tools of financial statement analysis help us understand the present earning capacity. It also enables us to learn about future earning and profit capability.
  2. These tools of financial statement analysis provide us with details about the effectiveness of company operations. It becomes the base for both company and stakeholders. It helps to analyze effective and non-effective operational departments.
  3. We can evaluate the long-term liquidity position of the company with the help of these tools of financial statement analysis.
  4. It also helps to recognize the short-term and long-term solvency of the firm. This solvency report benifits the trade creditors and debenture holders.
  5. The tools of financial statement analysis help assess the Financial stability of the concerned area.
  6. It helps in comparative studies with the help of financial statement analysis. It enables comparative study between firms or departments.
  7. It helps in forecasting future earnings and the financial position of the company. With the help of tools of financial statement analysis, past earning and financial positions are analyzed, which becomes the base for forecasting.

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Tools of Financial Statement Analysis

Now that we know what Financial statement analysis is let’s see the tools of financial statement analysis.

In essence, there are 3 tools of financial statement analysis that are used. The 3 tools are comparative analysis, common size statement, and ratio analysis.

Comparative Analysis 

The first of the tools of financial statement analysis is comparative analysis. It is also called horizontal analysis.

In this method, two or more statements are compared side by side. It shows the growth or decline of the item presented in percentile form. Horizontal analysis is done for Intra-firms comparisons.

Example: Following is the information for XYZ LTD. for 2022 and 2023. Prepare a comparative income statement. 

Net sales 3,00,0003,50,000
Cost of goods sold 2,50,0002,80,000
Administrative expenses 30,00040,000
Other income 15,00022,000
Interest 10,00013,000

Answer :

20222023Change Change in Percentage 
Net Sales 3,00,0003,50,00050,00016.66%
Less : Cost of goods sold2,50,0002,80,00030,00012%

Gross profit
Less : Admin expenses 30,00040,00010,00033.33%

Net operating profit 
Add : Other income15,00022,0007,00046.66%

Earning before interest and taxes
Less : Interest 10,00013,0003,00030%

Earning before Taxes
Less : taxes17,00018,0001,0005.88%

Net profit 

Common Size Statement 

The second tool of the 3 tools of financial statement analysis is the common size statement. It is also called vertical analysis.

This method compares the firm’s financial items as a percentile of the base figure. The base is considered 100%, so every item collectively makes up 100%. Vertical analysis is done for both – Intra and Inter-firm comparison.

Example : Prepare a Common size statement for ABC LTD.

Revenue from operations2538000
Other Income38000
Total Revenue2578000
Cost of Material Consumed1400000
Other Expenses500000
Total Expenses1900000

Answer :

Absolute Change% of Revenue from Operations
Revenue from operations2538000100%
Add: Other Income380001.5%
Total Revenue2576000101.5%
Less: Expenses

Cost of Materials Consumed140000055.16%
Other Expenses50000019.70%
Total Expenses190000074.86%

Earning before taxes
Less; Tax33800013.32%

Net Profit

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Ratio Analysis

The last tool from the 3 tools of financial statement analysis is The ratio analysis tool.
Ratio analysis provides a ratio for comparison. This ratio is for selected items from the statement. This ratio is for the two or more financial statements of the firms.

There are a total of 9 types of Ratio analysis methods. These methods are given below :

Limitations of Financial Statement Analysis

Cost Changes

The tools of financial statement analysis do not analyze and consider the cost changes.

Off Record Transactions

The Financial Statement analysis method studies the reports of the company. The transactions happening off the record are not included.

Changes in Accounting Principles

If the company’s accounting techniques changes, Tools of Financial Statement Analysis become obsolete.

Intangible Assets

If the company’s accounting techniques changes, Tools of Financial Statement Analysis become obsolete.

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What are the 3 basic tools for financial statement analysis?

The 3 Main Tools of Financial Statement Analysis are Comparative analysis, Common size statement, and Ratio analysis. These are also called as Horizontal analysis, Vertical analysis, and Ratio analysis.

What is basic financial analysis?

Financial Statement Analysis is the process of analyzing a company’s financial statement. Financial Statement Analysis is performed so that the stakeholders of the company are aware of the performance of the company.

Closing Statement

Financial Statement Analysis is an important and useful method for the company and its stakeholders. It helps to forecast the future value of the company share. It also helps the company to evaluate its performance.

Financial Statement Analysis is a method performed by the accounting system. This method is used for Equity research purposes as well.

I hope this blog post about the Tools of Financial Statement Analysis is informative. If you have any questions or suggestions, use the tool below – Comment box, and let me know about it.

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