The Impact of Time Management Obstacles

Last updated on April 6th, 2024 at 01:58 am

Hey there, Let’s discuss Time management obstacles in this article which may be helpful to you in your regular, professional or academic life. 

Firstly, Time management is an idea according to which a person, group, or a business sets up their schedule in order to achieve their respective goals/ targets. Time management is done with the purpose that each task receives enough time so that it can be completed or progressed in a way that it helps in completion of the goal. 

Now let’s start with the very basic and common mistakes that are made that become time management obstacles.

Too many tasks

If a person sets up to many tasks on their schedule, this is one of the Time Management Obstacles. Usually this mistake is made by someone who overestimates themselves or thinks too idealistically or theoretically. The assumption here is very rigid and not very practical. 

The end result from this mistake is that the person ends up too tired to complete the scheduled task, cannot follow the task in estimated time, the work down can be of low quality with mistakes and many more things.

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Not knowing how to prioritise

This can be a problem based on skills. One person’s ability to analyse the task in hand, assign the time and energy required to complete the task successfully will decide the end result. 

If the analytical skills are too rough and impractical, prioritising tasks accordingly in a proper and optimum manner will be difficult. And when the tasks are not prioritised, many tasks may be left incomplete or the person would be left too tired or with too much time or so on. 


When we talk about time management obstacles, procrastination have to be one of the top reasons. Procrastination is when someone delays the work at Hand. 

Let’s face it, minimal or important, we all have delayed our work and believe It or not, we most likely are going to continue to do so. Even for a small amount of time, the delayed work can come to haunt us later. A consecutive, small delayed work ends up piling up into a big mess. 

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Low motivation 

Motivation is the one time that makes human work or complete a task. It may be to do the chores at home, the work at the office or the homework from school. The motivation could be not being scolded, to earn that monthly salary, or to keep your house presentable. As simple it is, it can also be included in the list of Time Management Obstacles.

So, if a person lacks motivation to do some work, they are most likely going to ignore or work in an inefficient manner. You have to be aware about why you are doing the task and how motivated you are. You have to understand the importance and the end result of the work you’re doing in order to be motivated to do the work. 

Not delegating 

Delegation is an important part of work. To know more about delegation, you can read my article : Delegation in Management

Some people like working alone, independently. This usually works for them, but sometimes there are tasks and work that can’t be completed by a single person. But these independent working individuals don’t share or delegate their work, including me. 

The reason someone won’t delegate is that they can’t trust if the other person will complete the work properly. But that’s the only way to complete work that can’t be completed on our own. 

You must identify potential candidates that can help you and delegate the tasks, trust them that they can do it, and help them if they need it. 

Rigid planning 

Now, moving forth onto the list of time management obstacles, It’s rigid planning. A plan made with no flexibility and idealistic estimation of time usually ends up in a mess. 

For example : When you have planned to cook pasta in 20 minutes after estimation everything as putting up ingredients, cutting up veggies, and other processes, but due to the cheese being out of date, you don’t have enough time to go an buy a new one, it will ruin the whole plan due to such rigid time block. 

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This type of Time Management Obstacles falls under a person’s personality trait. A perfectionist is a perfect person who wants things to be perfect. Not even a minor mistake is tolerable or it may drive them to ruin or restart everything. 

If you or your colleagues or subordinates fall under this category, you have to make sure that it is known and perfectly understood that if you achieve 98% of the work, it is fine, the 2% can be neglected as long it is not the main work. 

You being a perfectionist can also affect the team. A perfectionist tends to be too rigid when it comes to tasks and can put the team under a lot of stress to be perfect. That being said, I’m not saying stop working how you are, you just have to be a bit flexible. 

Tracking Work progress

It may seem unusual that I put this when we are talking about Time management obstacles. Read the whole thing and know why I put this topic down here. 

First of all, how do you track down your work or progress? There are several apps available on phones and PCs that will help you track your progress. Not only track but they can also help you break them down in your schedule. 

The reason I included tracking of work here is so that you won’t be excluded from knowing and practising this amazing technique. These apps help you know how long a task takes to complete, help you to organise things in a way that you won’t get overworked.

Just knowing how far or close you are to your goal can be a motivator for you and your team. 

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Why is time management so hard?

Time management is something that requires you to commit. Even if a single task is mistimed, your work is going to be late. The reasons for time management being hard are too rigid planning, low motivation, procrastination and many more personal habits.

What are the factors affecting time management?

The factors affecting time management are personal habits : Procrastination, low motivation, non-delegative habits, being a perfectionist, taking up too many tasks, not knowing how to prioritise work. 

Final words 

I hope this article about “Time Management obstacles” helps you understand and get an idea about how our personal habits are the main obstacles that cause time management problems, and it is only us who can overcome them. 

If you have any suggestion or additional things you would like me to add to this article, let me know in the comment box.

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